Monday, October 18, 2010

Plain Sight, Another Indie Game.

I recently caught the flu, so over the past few days when I haven't been trying to sleep it off I've only been able to do lazy people things, like play games and read things. One game I've been playing to help me ease my Minecraft addiction off is Plain Sight.

Plain Sight is a game about suicidal ninja robots, which was what made me buy it in the first place. The main aim of the game is to run around killing players to gain energy which makes you big and strong. You can then convert the energy by detonating. You can then purchase power-ups with those points that last for the duration of the game. These range from running faster, to jumping higher, even detonating faster.

Don't just think it ends there! There are game-types for those of you who want to do more than blow up all the time. There's the old classic CTF, Ninja! Ninja! Ninja! Robotzilla! which is essentially juggernaught where the juggernaught is a giant, and Lighten Up with the aim of detonating in a target area with the highest energy possible, winner is whoever had the best detonation at the end of the round.

All-in-all Plain Sight is a well rounded game with everything a gamer could want, and that isn't too hard to accomplish as it's killing and explosions. It then takes the game a step further with the robots being ninjas, earning it a rating of:


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